Saturday, 30 March 2013

How to get money from an Android phone With whiff application.

Whiff is one android application that is proven producer dollars paid to the members on time until today. I think this is similar to whiff android market like google play that provides a lot of applications and games are interesting, but the difference is you will get paid if you download one of the applications has been provided by the whiff, you also will get additional commission if you want to maintain applications that you downloaded earlier. In addition you will also be paid if the application share on Facebook or Google Plus, menginvite your friends on facebook, gave "LIKE" on their Facebook FansPage and many more that I can not completely peeled in detail here.How to register whiff Reward1. Prepare your android phone, due to start an online business is required an android phone.2. lagsung entered PayStore and in the search box type "whiff", after the meet application called "whiff" you can immediately download and install the application or you can download it directly here: /apps/details?id=com.whaff.whaff&hl= en
Masuk ke Playstore

 3. If you have to open the application and click the "Login" button (enter button located at the top) and you can login using your facebook account.

If you see a display like the picture No. 3, then you are asked to enter an "invitation code" (invite code) of the members are already registered. Then you can enter the following code: "AH10705". Because if you sign up without an invitation code then you will not get a bonus of $ 0.3 registration.
For instructions to register whiff you can see the image below:

Petunjuk pendaftaran akunwhaff rewards
 If all the above tutorial you did right then signup bonus worth $ 0.3 will go straight into your account whiff. To continue to get dollars from whiff please install applications or games, browse the survey, sharee to social networks, collect points and many other options.If the balance on the account whiff you've reached the minimum payout is 10.5 dollars and you want to withdraw the amount you can withdraw it using a Paypal account. The process of disbursement of the queue whiff account to paypal account takes less than about 1 x 24 hours (except weekends).So if you whiff account balance has reached 10 dollars more then you can immediately create a Paypal account, just calm fren tu make a paypal account for free too, please aja panduanya search on google.Withdrawal of funds from your account to paypal account whiff process as follows:1. When the funds exceeded 10.5 dollars then you can immediately do request payout, Sign keakun you whiff, it will see a screen similar to below then please click on the top right corner of the menu.

Tahap pertama, masuk ke akun whaff (klik menu sebelah kanan atas)

 2. After the display appears as shown below click "Payments"
 Klik menu Pembayaran

3. Then there are a few options and click on "PAYPAL"
 4. In section as shown below, please select the nominal dollars you want to appeal, then enter your PayPal email. If you have done all the steps correctly tungu approximately 1 x 24 hours, if there notivasi of whiff then you've landed the dollar sign to a Paypal account.
 Masukan email paypal anda

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